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This page contains most common questions and "gotchas" asked in our Discord channel or within our community.

There are two major areas we'd like to help with, grouped here as common errors and as common hints.

Common Errors

This area contains most common issues our users might face due technical reasons or some misconception around the topic.


This is not by accident the very first, and most common, error our users might encounter while developing or deploying PyScript projects.


Unable to use SharedArrayBuffer due insecure environment. Please read requirements in MDN: ...

The error contains a link to MDN but it's easy to get lost behind the amount of content provided by this topic.


This errors happens in one of these combined scenarios:

  • the server doesn't provide the correct headers to handle security concerns or there is no Service Worker able to override headers, as described in the worker page and ...
    • there is a worker attribute in the py or mpy script element and the sync_main_only flag is not present or not True
    • there is a <script type="py-editor"> that uses a worker behind the scene
    • there is an explicit PyWorker or MPWorker bootstrap

The only exception is when the sync_main_only = True is part of the config with the following caveats:

  • it is not possible to manipulate the DOM or do anything meaningful on the main thread directly because Atomics cannot guarantee sync-like locks within workermain operations
  • the only desired use case is to expose, from the worker, pyscript.sync utilities that will need to be awaited from the main once invoked
  • the worker can only await main related references, one after the other, so that DX is really degraded in case one still needs to interact with main

If your project simply bootstraps on the main thread, none of this is relevant because no worker would need special features.


The only way to make document.getElementById('some-id').value work out of a worker execution context is to use these two JS primitives:

  • SharedArrayBuffer, which allows multiple threads to read and / or write into a chunk of memory that is, like the name suggests, shared across threads
  • Atomics, which is needed to both wait(sab, index) and notify(sab, index) to unlock the awaiting thread

While a worker is waiting for some operation on main to happen, this is not using the CPU, it just idles until that index of the shared buffer gets notified, effectively never blocking the main thread, still pausing its own execution until such buffer is notified for changes.

As overwhelming or complicated as this might sounds, these two fundamental primitives make mainworker interoperability an absolute wonder in term of DX so that we encourage to always prefer workers over main scripts, specially when it comes to Pyodide related projects with its heavier bootstrap or computation abilities, yet still delivering a main-like development experience.

Unfortunately, due past security concerns and attacks to shared buffers, each server or page needs to allow extra security to prevent malicious software to also read or write into these buffers but be assured that if you own your code, your project, and you trust the modules or 3rd party code you need and use, there are no security concerns around this topic within this project, it's simply an unfortunate "one rule catch all" standard any server can either enable or disable as it pleases.

Borrowed Proxy

This is another classic error that might happen with listeners, timers or any other circumstance where a Python callback might be lazily invoked in the JS side of affair:


Uncaught Error: This borrowed proxy was automatically destroyed at the end of a function call. Try using create_proxy or create_once_callable. For more information about the cause of this error, use pyodide.setDebug(true)


This error usually happens in Pyodide only related project, and only if a Python callback has been directly passed along as JS function parameter:

An expired borrowed proxy example
import js
# will throw the error in case
js.setTimeout(lambda msg: print(msg), 1000, "FAIL")

Please note that this error does not happen if the code is executed in a worker and the JS reference comes from the main thread:

A worker has no borrowed issue
from pyscript import window
window.setTimeout(lambda x: print(x), 1000, "OK")

In this case, because proxies cannot survive a workermain communication, the Python reference gets inevitably translated into a JS function and its unique id propagated and awaited to be released with a returning value, so that technically that lambda can be freed without causing any issue.

We provided an experimental way to always act in a similar way on both main and workers through the experimental_create_proxy = "auto" config flag.

This flag tries to intercept all Python proxies passed to a JS callback and it orchestrates an automatic memory free operation through the JS garbage collector.


The FinalizationRegistry is the primitive used to do so. It is not observable and nobody can predict when it will run to free, hence destroy, retained Python proxies. This means that RAM consumption might be slightly higher, but it's the JS engine responsibility to guarantee that when such RAM consumption is too high, that finalization registry would call and free all retained proxies, leaving room for more RAM.


Most WASM based runtimes have their own garbage collector or memory management but when their references are passed along another programming language they cannot guarantee these references will ever be freed, or better, they lose control over that memory allocation because they cannot know when such allocation won't be needed anymore.

The theoretical solution to this is to allow users to explicitly create proxies of these references and then still explicitly invoke proxy.destroy() to communicate to the original PL that such reference and allocated can be freed, if not used internally for other reasons, effectively invalidating that JS reference, resulting into a "dead reference" that its garbage collector might get rid of when it's convenient.

At the practical level though, there are dozen use cases where users just don't, or can't, disambiguate the need for such proxy creation or easily forget to call destroy() at the right time.

To help most common use cases, Pyodide provide various ffi.wrappers but in theory none of these is strictly needed if we orchestrate a FinalizationRegistry to automatically destroy those proxies when not needed anymore, moving the responsibility from the user to the running JS engine, which is why we have provided the experimental_create_proxy = "auto" config flag.

Python Modules

There is a huge difference in what can be imported in pyodide VS what can be imported in micropython and the reason is:

  • pyodide can import modules at runtime as long as these have been ported to it
  • micropython can only import at runtime Python only modules, or better, modules that use the same syntax and primitives allowed in micropython itself

Behind the scene pyodide uses micropip while micropython uses mip.

Due different architecture though, micropython cannot expose modules that require native compilation / translation for the resulting WASM artifact, but we're working on a "super charged" version of micropython that would bring at least the most common requested modules too (i.e. numpy).


Accordingly to the current state, it could be hard to seamlessly port 1:1 a Pyodide project to MicroPython: expect possible issues while trying but please consider the mentioned caveats around or be sure the issue is something we could actually fix on our side or file an upstream issue otherwise, thank you!

JS Modules

In more than one occasion, since we introduced the pyscript.js_modules feature, our users have encountered errors like:


Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module './library.js' does not provide an export named 'default'


Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module './library.js' does not provide an export named 'util'


99% of the time the issue with JS modules is that what we are importing are not, effectively, JS modules.

When the file uses module.exports or globalThis.util or anything that is not standard ECMAScript syntax for modules, such as export default value or export const util = {}, we cannot retrieve that file content in a standard way.

To solve this issue various CDNs provide a way to automatically deliver ESM (aka: ECMAScript Modules) out of the box and one of the most reliable and famous one is

An example of
"" = "d3"
<script type="mpy">
  from pyscript.js_modules import d3

Alternatively, please be sure any .js file you are importing as module actually uses export ... within its content and, if that's not the case, ask for an .mjs counter-equivalent of that library or framework or trust produced artifacts.


Even if standard JS modules have been around since 2015, a lot of old to even new libraries still produce files that are incompatible with modern JS expectations.

There is no logical or simple explanation to this situation for modules that target browsers, but there are various server side related projects that still rely on the legacy, NodeJS only, module system (aka: CommonJS).

Until that legacy module system exists, be aware some module might require special care.

Reading Errors

Each interpreter might provide different error messages but the easy way to find what's going on is, most of the time, described in the last line with both Pyodide and MicroPython:

A Pyodide Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/lib/", line 501, in eval_code
    .run(globals, locals)
  File "/lib/", line 339, in run
    coroutine = eval(self.code, globals, locals)
  File "<exec>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'failure' is not defined
A MicroPython Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'failure' isn't defined

The same applies when the error is shown in devtools/console where unfortunately the stack right after the error message might be a bit distracting but it's still well separated from the error message itself.

Common Hints

This area contains most common questions, hacks, or hints we provide to the community.


We have a lovely PyScript contributor, namely Jeff Glass, who is maintaining an awesome blog full of PyScript Recipes with even more use cases and solutions. If you cannot find what you are looking for in here, please do check over there as it's very likely there is something close to the answer you are looking for.

PyScript latest

For various reasons previously discussed at length, we decided to remove our latest channel from our own CDN.

We were not super proud of users trusting that channel coming back with suddenly broken projects so we now release only official versions everyone can pin-point in time.

We are also developing behind the scene through npm to be able to test in the wild breaking changes and whatnot and it's no secret that CDNs could also deliver our "canary" or "development" channel so that we're better off telling you exactly which links one should use to have the latest, whenever latest lands on the CDN which is usually within 24 hours from the last npm version change.

We still do not guarantee any stability around this channel so be aware this is never a good idea to use in production, documentation might lack behind landed changes, APIs might break or change too, and so on.

If you are still reading though, this is the template to have latest:

PyScript latest
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script type="module" src=""></script>


Do not use shorter urls or other CDNs because the project needs both the correct headers to eventually run in workers and it needs to find its own assets at runtime so that other CDN links might result into a broken experience out of the box.

Worker Bootstrap

In some occasion users asked to bootstrap a pyodide or micropython worker directly via JS.

PyScript Worker in JS
<script type="module">
  // use sourceMap for @pyscript/core or change to a CDN
  import {
    PyWorker, // Pyodide Worker
    MPWorker  // MicroPython Worker
  } from '@pyscript/core';

  const worker = await MPWorker(
    // Python code to execute
    // optional details or config with flags
    { config: { sync_main_only: true } }
    //          ^ just as example ^

  // "heavy computation"
  await worker.sync.doStuff();

  // kill the worker when/if needed
from pyscript import sync

def do_stuff():
  print("heavy computation")

sync.doStuff = do_stuff


In more than one occasion users asked why there's the need to write, when the class comes from the JS world, as opposite of just typing Class() like it is for Python.

The reason is very technical and related to JS history and poor introspection ability in this regard:

  • typeof function () {} and typeof class {} produce the same outcome: function, making it very hard to disambiguate the intention as both are valid and, strawberry on top, legacy JS used function to create instances, not class, so that legacy code might still use that good'ol convention
  • the JS proxy has apply and construct traps but because of the previous point, it's not possible to be sure that apply meant to construct the instance
  • diffrently from Python, just invoking Class() throws an error in JS if that is actually defined as class {} so that new is mandatory in the that case
  • the new Class() is invalid syntax in Python, there is a need to disambiguate the intent
  • the capitalized naming convention is lost once the code gets minified on the JS side, hence it's unreliable as convention
  • the explicitly describe the intent ... it's true that it's ugly, when mixed up with Python classes too, but at least it clearly indicates that such Class is a JS one, not a Python thing

As summary, we all agree that in an ideal world just having Class() all over would be cool, but unless the JS code has been created via quite outdated artifacts we need to use the .new() convention which is adopted by both pyodide and micropython.

To close this paragraph, here an example of how it was possible before to avoid new VS now:

Legacy VS Modern JS
// legacy pseudo pattern: it allows just Legacy()
// with or without `new Legacy` requirement
function Legacy(name) {
  if (!(this instanceof Legacy))
    return new Legacy(name);
  // bootstrap the instance = name;

// legacy way to define classes
Legacy.prototype = {...};

// modern JS classes: private fields, own fields,
// super and other goodness available to devs
class Modern {}

// throws error: it requires `new Modern`

PyScript Events

Beside hooks' lifecycle, PyScript also dispatches specific events that might help users to work around its state:


Both mpy:ready and py:ready events are dispatched per every PyScript related element found on the page, being this a <script type="py">, a <py-script> or any mpy counterpart.

Please note that these events are dispatched right before the code gets eventually executed, hence before the interpreter got a chance to run the code but always after the interpreter has already been bootstrapped.

A py:ready example
    addEventListener("py:ready", () => {
        // show running for an instance
        const status = document.getElementById("status");
        status.textContent = 'running';
<!-- show bootstrapping right away -->
<div id="status">bootstrapping</div>
<script type="py" worker>
    from pyscript import document

    # show done after running
    status = document.getElementById("status")
    status.textContent = "done"

As a matter of fact, if you are missing the previous modal showing a spinner while pyodide bootstrapped, it is fairly easy to provide a similar experience through this event: show a modal first, then close it once py:ready is triggered.


On the main thread, pyodide blocks the UI until it's finished bootstrapping itself. This means that previous example without worker attribute will skip rendering running text because it happens at the same UI update that happens after the code has been executed. If needed, one can always console.log instead to be sure that event happened.


As the name might suggest, mpy:done and py:done events events are dispatched after the sync or async code has finished its execution.

A py:done example
    addEventListener("py:ready", () => {
        // show running for an instance
        const status = document.getElementById("status");
        status.textContent = 'running';
    addEventListener("py:done", () => {
        // show done after logging "Hello 👋"
        const status = document.getElementById("status");
        status.textContent = 'done';
<!-- show bootstrapping right away -->
<div id="status">bootstrapping</div>
<script type="py" worker>
    print("Hello 👋")


If your async code never exits due some infinite loop or it uses some orchestration that keeps it running forever, such as code and code.interact() these events might never get triggered because the code actually is never really done so it cannot reach its own end of execution.


This event is special because it really groups all possible mpy or py scripts found on the page, no matter the interpreter.

In this example we'll see MicroPython waving before Pyodide and finally an everything is done message in devtools.

A py:all-done example
    addEventListener("py:all-done", () => {
        console.log("everything is done");
<script type="mpy" worker>
    print("MicroPython 👋")
<script type="py" worker>
    print("Pyodide 👋")

Python Modules

There are a few ways to host or include other modules in PyScript:

  • having the module already part of either Pyodide or MicroPython distribution
  • hosting on GitHub some file that need to be discovered and fetched at runtime as package
  • provide your own as single file to include in the File System
  • create a folder with structured files and sub folders that can easily be zipped or tar.gz as unique entry, and let the File System do the rest

Hosting on GitHub

Beside modules already available behind the interpreter packages manager, it is possible to point directly at files in GitHub (or GitLab, or anywhere else the file can be downloaded without issues):

MicroPython mip example
# Install default version from micropython-lib

# Install from raw URL

# Install from GitHub shortcut

These URLs are recognized as packages entries in the config and as long as the URL allows CORS (fetching files from other domains) everything should be fine.

Provide your own file

Instead of using the config to define packages one can use the files field to bring modules in the runtime.

Module as File
"./modules/" = "./"
<script type="mpy">
  import bisect

Zip or Tar Gz Modules

With this approach it's possible to archive in a compressed way the module content with a simple to complex structure:


Once archived as .zip or as .tar.gz in a way that contains the my_module folder and its content, it's possible to host this remotely or simply have it reachable locally:

Module as File
"./" = "./*"
<script type="mpy">
  from my_module import util
  from my_module.sub import sub_util

Please note the ./* convention, through a .zip or .tar.gz source, where the target folder with a star * will contain anything present in the source archive, in this example the whole my_module folder.

File System

The first thing to understand about PyScript File System operations is that each interpreter provides its own Virtual File System that works only in memory.


We don't have yet a way to provide a shared, user's browser persistent, File System, so that any time we load or store and then read files we're doing that through the RAM and the current session: nothing is shared, nothing is stored, nothing persists!

Read/Write Content

The easiest way to add content to the virtual FS is by using native Python files operations:

Writing to a text file
with open("./test.txt", "w") as dest:
    dest.write("hello vFS")

# read the written content
source = open("./test.txt", "r")

Combined with our pyscript.fetch utility, it's also possible to store from the web more complex data.

Writing file as binary
# assume an `async` attribute / execution
from pyscript import fetch, window

href = window.location.href

with open("./page.html", "wb") as dest:
    dest.write(await fetch(href).bytearray())

# read the current HTML page
source = open("./page.html", "r")

Upload Content

Through the DOM API it's possible to also upload a file and store it into the virtual FS.

The following example is just one of the ways one can do that, but it's a pretty simple one and based on the very same code and logic already seen in the previous paragraph:

Upload file into vFS
<input type="file">
<script type="mpy">
    from pyscript import document, fetch, window

    async def on_change(event):
        # per each file
        for file in input.files:
            # create a temporary URL
            tmp = window.URL.createObjectURL(file)
            # fetch and save its content somewhere
            with open(f"./{}", "wb") as dest:
                dest.write(await fetch(tmp).bytearray())
            # revoke the tmp URL

    input = document.querySelector("input[type=file]")
    input.onchange = on_change

Download Content

Once a file is present in the virtual File System, it's always possible to create a temporary link which goal is to download such file:

Download file from vFS
def download_file(path, mime_type):
    from pyscript import document, ffi, window
    import os
    name = os.path.basename(path)
    with open(path, "rb") as source:
        data =

        # this is Pyodide specific
        buffer = window.Uint8Array.from_(data)
        details = ffi.to_js({"type": mime_type})

        # this is JS specific
        file =[buffer], name, details)
        tmp = window.URL.createObjectURL(file)
        dest = document.createElement("a")
        dest.setAttribute("download", name)
        dest.setAttribute("href", tmp)

        # here a timeout to window.URL.revokeObjectURL(tmp)
        # should keep the memory clear for the session


The presented utility works only on Pyodide at the moment, as there is no from_ or assign convention in MicroPython. Once this is fixed or a better example is discovered the example will be updated too so that all of them should work in both interpreters.


Explained in details in the ffi page, it's probably useful to cover the when create_proxy is needed at all.

To start with, there's a subtle difference between Pyodide and MicroPython around this topic, with or without using our pyscript.ffi, as it just forwards the utility behind scene.


A Python function executed in the JS world inevitably needs to be wrapped in a way that, once executed, both its native (Python) function reference and any passed argument/parameter to such function can be normalized to Python references before such invocation happens.

The JS primitive to do so is the Proxy one, which enables "traps" such as apply to do extra work before any result is actually returned from such invocation.

Once the apply(target, self, args) trap is invoked:

  • the interpreter must find which target in the current WASM running code that needs to be invoked
  • the self context for regular functions is likely ignored for common cases, but it's likely desired to eventually define python.method() invokes when these happen in the JS world
  • the args is a list of passed arguments where any proxy coming from Python must be resolved as reference, any primitive might be eventually converted into its Python primitive representation, if needed, and any JS reference must be translated into Python like objects / references

This orchestration might feel convoluted for many or obvious for others, yet the detail behind the scene is that such target reference needs to exist on the WASM runtime in order to be executed when the JS world asks for it ... so here the caveat: globally available functions might outlive any JS runtime interoperability in the WASM world but locally scoped or runtime functions cannot be retained forever!

A basic Python to JS callback
import js

  lambda e: print(e.type)

In this scenario that lambda has no meaning or references in the running Python code, it's just delegated to the JS runtime / environment but it must exist whenever that custom_event is dispatched, hence triggered, or emitted, in the JS world.

From a pure architectural point of view there is literally nothing that defines in that user explicit intent how long that lambda should be kept alive in the current Python program while from the JS point of view that callback might never even be needed or invoked (i.e. the custom:event never happens ... which is a forever pending lambda use case).

Because all interpreters do care about memory consumption and have some WASM memory constrain to deal with, create_proxy (or any similar API) has been provided to delegate the responsibility to kill those references to the user, specially for unknown, in time, invocations scenarios like the one described in here.

On the other hand, when a Python callback is attached, as opposite of being just passed as argument, to a specific foreign instance, it is fairly easy for the WASM runtime to know when such lambda function, or any other non global function, could be freed from the memory.

A sticky lambda
from pyscript import document

# logs "click" if nothing else stopped propagation
document.onclick = lambda e: print(e.type)

"How is that easy?" is a valid question and the answer is that if the runtime has JS bindings, hence it's capable of dealing with JS references, that document would be a well known JSProxy that points to some underlying JS reference.

In this case there's usually no need to use create_proxy because that reference is well understood and the interpreter can use the FinalizationRegistry to simply destroy that lambda, or decrease its reference counting, whenever the underlying JS reference is not needed anymore, hence finalized after its own release from JS.

Sure thing this example is fairly poor, because a document reference in the JS world would live "forever", but if instead of a document there was a live DOM element, as soon as that element gets replaced and it's both not live or referenced anymore, the FinalizationRegistry would inform the WASM based runtime that such reference is gone, and whatever was attached to it behind the scene can be gone too.

In Pyodide

The create_proxy utility is exported among others to smooth out and circumvent memory leaks in the long run.

Using it separately from other utilities though requires some special care, most importantly, it requires that the user invokes that destroy() method when such callback is not needed anymore, hence it requires users to mentally track callbacks lifecycle, but that's not always possible for at least these reasons:

  • if the callback is passed to 3rd party libraries, the reference is kinda "lost in a limbo" where who knows when that reference could be actually freed
  • if the callback is passed to listeners or timers, or even promises based operations, it's pretty unpredictable and counter intuitive, also a bad DX, to try to track those cases

Luckily enough, the Promise use case is automatically handled by Pyodide runtime, but we're left with other cases:

Pyodide VS create_proxy
from pyscript import ffi, window

# this is needed even if `print` won't ever need
# to be freed from the Python runtime

# this is needed not because `print` is used
# but because otherwise the lambda is gone
    lambda x: print(x)

def print_type(event):

# this is needed even if `print_type`
# is not a scoped / local function, rather
# a never freed global reference in this Python code
  # despite this intent, the proxy
  # will be trapped forever if not destroyed
  ffi.to_js({"once": True})

# this does NOT need create_function as it is
# attached to an object reference, hence observed to free
window.Object().no_create_function = lambda: print("ok")

To simplify some of this orchestration we landed the experimental_create_proxy = "auto" flag which goal is to intercept JS world callbacks invocation, and automatically proxy and destroy any proxy that is not needed or used anymore in the JS environment.

Please give it a try and actually try to not ever use, or need, create_proxy at all, and tell us when it's needed instead, than you!


When it comes to worker based code, no Proxy can survive a roundtrip to the main thread and back. In this scenario we inevitably need to orchestrate the dance differently and reference instead Python callbacks, or een JS one, as these travel by their unique id, not their identity on the worker. We orchestrate the free dance automatically because nothing would work otherwise so that long story short, if your pyodide code runs from a worker, you likely never need to use create_proxy at all.

In MicroPython

Things are definitively easier to reason about in this environment, but mostly because it doesn't expose (yet?) a destroy() utility for created proxies.

Accordingly, using create_proxy in micropython might be needed only to have portable code, as proxies are created anyway when Python code refers to a callback and is passed to any JS utility, plus proxies won't be created multiple times if these were already proxy of some Python callback.

All the examples that require create_proxy in Pyodide, won't bother MicroPython but these would be also kinda not needed in general.

MicroPython VS create_proxy
from pyscript import window

# this works
window.setTimeout(print, 100, "print")

# this also works
window.setTimeout(lambda x: print(x), 100, "lambda")

def print_type(event):

# this works too
  ffi.to_js({"once": True})

# and so does this
window.Object().no_create_function = lambda: print("ok")


Currently MicroPython doesn't provide a destroy() method so it's actually preferred, in MicroPython projects, to not use or need the create_proxy because it lacks control over destroying it while it's up to the interpreter to decide when or how proxies can be destroyed.


Also xplained in details in the ffi page, it's probably useful to cover the when to_js is needed at all.


Despite their similar look on the surface, Python dictionaries and JS object literals are very different primitives:

A Python dict
ref = {"some": "thing"}
A JS literal
const ref = {some: "thing"};
// equally valid as ...
const ref = {"some": "thing"};

In both worlds accessing ref["some"] would also produce the same result: pointing at "value" string as result. However, in JS ref.some would also return the very same "value" and while in Python ref.get("some") would do the same, some interpreter preferred to map dictionaries to JS Map instead, probably because Map.get is really close to what Python dictionaries expect.

Long story short, Pyodide opted for that default conversion but unfortunately all JS APIs are usually expecting object literals, and JS maps don't really work seamlessly the same, so that it's possible to define a different dict_converter in Pyodide, but that definition is verbose and not too DX friendly:

A common Pyodide converter
import js
from pyodide.ffi import to_js

        {"async": False},
        # transform a Map into an object literal

Beside the fact that MicroPython to_js implementation already converts, by default, Python dictionaries to JS literal, after some experience with common use cases around Python and JS interoperability, we decided to automatically provide an ffi that always results into a JS object literal, so that no converter, unless explicitly defined, would be needed to have the desired result out of the box.


One fundamental thing to consider when to_js is used, is that it detaches the created reference from its original "source", in this case the Python dictionary, so that any change applied elsewhere to such reference won't ever be reflected to its original counterpart.

This is probably one of the main reasons Pyodide sticked with the dictionary like proxy when it passes its reference to JS callbacks but at the same time no JS callback usually expect a foreign runtime reference to deal with, being this a Python one or any other programming language.

Accordingly, if your JS code is written to explicitly target Pyodide kind of proxies, you probably never need to use to_js as that won't reflect changes to the Python runtime, if changes ever happen within the callback receiving such reference, but if you are just passing data around, data that can be represented as JSON, as example, to configure or pass some option argument to JS, you can simply use our pyscript.ffi.to_js utility and forget about all these details around the conversion: dictionaries will be object literals and lists or tuples will be arrays, that's all you need to remember!