Example applications
A curated list of example applications that demonstrate various features of PyScript can be found on PyScript.com.
The examples are (links take you to the code):
- Hello world
- uses included datetime module. No additional packages.
- WebGL Icosahedron
- uses three.js imported as a module in toml)
- Pandas dataframe fun
- uses pandas from pypi
- pyodide
- Matplotlib example
- uses matplotlib
- pyodide
- Todo
- uses pyweb. No additional packages.
- pyodide
- Tic Tac Toe
- uses pyweb. No additional packages.
- pyodide
- Pyscript Jokes
- uses pyweb and pyjokes
- pyodide
- D3 visualization
- uses d3
- mixes javascript code with python code. imports d3 from javascript.
- pyodide
- Import antigravity
- uses svg simply
- pyodide
- API proxy tutorial
- uses fetch
- pyodide
- API proxy and secrets tutorial
- uses fetch
- pyodide
More complex:
- Numpy fractals
- uses numpy, sympy from pypi
- pyodide
- Simple slider panel
- uses Panel and Bokeh from pypi and loads in index.html
- pyodide
- Streaming data panel
- uses Panel, Bokeh numpy, pandas from pypi
- loads bokeh, panel, tabulator in index.html
- pyodide
- KMeans in a panel
- uses Bokeh, altair, numpy, pandas, scikit-learn, Panel from pypi
- loads panel, bootstrap, vega, tabulator, bokeh in index.html
- pyodide
- New York Taxi panel (WebGL)
- uses a mixture of pypi and direct load packages in index.html
- Bokeh, numpy, pandas, Panel, deck-gl
- deckGL, bokeh are loaded directly in index.html
- pyodide
- Folium geographical data
- uses folium, pandas from pypi
- pyodide
- Bokeh data plotting
- uses pandas, Bokeh, xyzservices from pypi
- pyodide
- Altair data plotting
- uses altair, pandas, vega_datasets from pypi
- pyodide
- Panel and hyplot
- uses Bokeh, Panel, markdown-it-py, numpy, pandas, hvplot, pyodide-http a fetch library.
- bokeh and panel are loaded in the index.html
- pyodide
Notes: - No micropython examples - all are pyodide - No worker examples