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This page contains the most common questions and "gotchas" asked on our Discord server, in our community calls, or within our community.

There are two major areas we'd like to explore: common errors and helpful hints.

Common errors

Reading errors

If your application doesn't run, and you don't see any error messages on the page, you should check your browser's console.

When reading an error message, the easy way to find out what's going on, most of the time, is to read the last line of the error.

A Pyodide error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/lib/", line 501, in eval_code
    .run(globals, locals)
  File "/lib/", line 339, in run
    coroutine = eval(self.code, globals, locals)
  File "<exec>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'failure' is not defined
A MicroPython error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'failure' isn't defined

In both examples, the code created a NameError because the object with the name failure did not exist. Everything above the error message is potentially useful technical detail.

With this context in mind, these are the most common errors users of PyScript encounter.


This is the first and most common error users may encounter with PyScript:


Your application doesn't run and in your browser's console you see this message:

Unable to use `window` or `document` ->


This happens when you're unable to access objects in the main thread (window and document) from code running in a web worker.

This error happens because the server delivering your PyScript application is incorrectly configured or a service-worker attribute has not been used in your script element.

Specifically, one of the following three problem situations applies to your code:

  • Because of the way your web server is configured, the browser limits the use of a technology called "Atomics" (you don't need to know how it works, just that it may be limited by the browser). If there is a worker attribute in your script element, and your Python code uses the window or document objects (that actually exist on the main thread), then the browser limitation on Atomics will cause the failure, unless you reconfigure your server.
  • There is a <script type="py-editor"> (that must always use a worker behind the scenes) and no fallback has been provided via a service-worker attribute on that element.
  • There is an explicit PyWorker or MPWorker instance bootstrapping somewhere in your code and no service_worker fallback has been provided.

All these cases have been documented with code examples and possible solutions in our section on web workers.


The only way for document.getElementById('some-id').value to work in a worker is to use these two JavaScript primitives:

  • SharedArrayBuffer, to allow multiple threads to read and / or write into a chunk of shared memory.
  • Atomics, to both wait(sab, index) (sab is a SharedArrayBuffer) and notify(sab, index) to unlock the awaiting thread.

While a worker waits for an operation on main to happen, it is not using the CPU. It idles until the referenced index of the shared buffer changes, effectively never blocking the main thread while still pausing its own execution until the buffer's index is changed.

As overwhelming or complicated as this might sound, these two fundamental primitives make main ↔ worker interoperability an absolute wonder in term of developer experience. Therefore, we encourage folks to prefer using workers over running Python in the main thread. This is especially so when using Pyodide related projects, because of its heavier bootstrap or computation requirements. Using workers ensures the main thread (and thus, the user interface) remains unblocked.

Unfortunately, we can patch, polyfill, or workaround, these primitives but we cannot change their intrinsic nature and limitations defined by web standards. However, there are various solutions for working around such limitations. Please read our web workers section to learn more.

Borrowed proxy

This is another common error that happens with listeners, timers or in any other situation where a Python callback is lazily invoked from JavaScript:


Your application doesn't run and in your browser's console you see this message:

Uncaught Error: This borrowed proxy was automatically destroyed at the end of a function call.
Try using create_proxy or create_once_callable.
For more information about the cause of this error, use `pyodide.setDebug(true)`


This error happens when using Pyodide as the interpreter on the main thread, and when a bare Python callable/function has been passed into JavaScript as a callback handler:

An expired borrowed proxy example, with Pyodide on the main thread.
import js

# will throw the error
js.setTimeout(lambda msg: print(msg), 1000, "FAIL")

The garbage collector immediately cleans up the Python function once it is passed into the JavaScript context. Clearly, for the Python function to work as a callback at some time in the future, it should NOT be garbage collected and hence the error message.


This error does not happen if the code is executed in a worker and the JavaScript reference comes from the main thread:

Code running on Pyodide in a worker has no borrowed proxy issue.
from pyscript import window

window.setTimeout(lambda x: print(x), 1000, "OK")

Proxy objects (i.e. how Python objects appear to JavaScript, and vice versa) cannot be communicated between a worker and the main thread.

Behind the scenes, PyScript ensures references are maintained between workers and the main thread. It means Python functions in a worker are actually represented by JavaScript proxy objects in the main thread.

As a result, such worker based Python functions are therefore not bare Python functions, but already wrapped in a managed JavaScript proxy, thus avoiding the borrowed proxy problem.

If you encounter this problem you have two possible solutions:

  1. Manually wrap such functions with a call to pyscript.ffi.create_proxy.
  2. Set the experimental_create_proxy = "auto" flag in your application's settings. This flag intercepts Python objects passed into a JavaScript callback and ensures an automatic and sensible memory management operation via the JavaScript garbage collector.


The FinalizationRegistry is the browser feature used to make this so.

By default, it is not observable and it is not possible to predict when it will free, and hence destroy, retained Python proxy objects. As a result, memory consumption might be slightly higher than when manually using create_proxy. However, the JavaScript engine is responsible for memory consumption, and will cause the finalization registry to free all retained proxies, should memory consumption become too high.


PyScript's interpreters (Pyodide and MicroPython) both have their own garbage collector for automatic memory management. When references to Python objects are passed to JavaScript via the FFI, the Python interpreters cannot guarantee such references will ever be freed by JavaScript's own garbage collector. They may even lose control over the reference since there's no infallible way to know when such objects won't be needed by JavaScript.

One solution is to expect users to explicitly create and destroy such proxy objects themselves. But this manual memory management makes automatic memory management pointless while raising the possibility of dead references (where the user explicitly destroys a Python object that's still alive in the JavaScript context). Put simply, this is a difficult situation.

Pyodide provides ffi.wrappers to help with many of the common cases, and PyScript, through the experimental_create_proxy = "auto" configuration option, automates memory management via the FinalizationRegistry described above.

Python packages

Sometimes Python packages, specified via the packages configuration setting don't work with PyScript's Python interpreter.


You are using Pyodide.

Your application doesn't run and in your browser's console you see this message:

ValueError: Can't find a pure Python 3 wheel for: 'package_name'


You are using MicroPython.

Your application doesn't run and in your browser's console you see this message:

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the
remote resource at
(Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing).
Status code: 404.


This is a complicated problem, but the summary is:

  • Check you have used the correct name for the package you want to use. This is a remarkably common mistake to make: let's just check. :-)
  • In Pyodide, the error indicates that the package you are trying to install has some part of it written in C, C++ or Rust. These languages are compiled, and the package has not yet been compiled for web assembly. Our friends in the Pyodide project and the Python packaging authority are working together to ensure web assembly is a default target for compilation. Until such time, we suggest you follow Pyodide's own guidance to overcome this situation.
  • In MicroPython, the package you want to use has not been ported into the micropython-lib package repository. If you want to use a pure Python package with MicroPython, use the files configuration option to manually copy the package onto the file system, or use a URL to reference the package.

For hints and tips about packaging related aspects of PyScript read the packaging pointers section of this FAQ.


Put simply, Pyodide and MicroPython are different Python interpreters, and both are running in a web assembly environment. Packages built for Pyodide may not work for MicroPython, and vice versa. Furthermore, if a package contains compiled code, it may not yet have been natively compiled for web assembly.

If the package you want to use is written in a version of Python that both Pyodide and MicroPython support (there are subtle differences between the interpreters), then you should be able to use the package so long as you are able to get it into the Python path via configuration (see above).

Currently, MicroPython cannot expose modules that require native compilation, but PyScript is working with the MicroPython team to provide different builds of MicroPython that include commonly requested packages (e.g. MicroPython's version of numpy or sqlite).


Depending on the complexity of the project, it may be hard to seamlessly make a 1:1 port from a Pyodide code base to MicroPython.

MicroPython has comprehensive documentation to explain the differences between itself and "regular" CPython (i.e. the version of Python Pyodide provides).

JavaScript modules

When using JavaScript modules with PyScript you may encounter the following errors:


Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module './library.js' does not provide an export named 'default'


Uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module './library.js' does not provide an export named 'util'


These errors happen because the JavaScript module you are trying to use is not written as a standards-compliant JavaScript module.

Happily, to solve this issue various content delivery networks (CDNs) provide a way to automatically deliver standard ESM (aka: ECMAScript Modules). The one we recommend is

An example of
"" = "d3"
<script type="mpy">
  from pyscript.js_modules import d3

Alternatively, ensure any JavaScript code you reference uses export ... or ask for an .mjs version of the code. All the various options and technical considerations surrounding the use of JavaScript modules in PyScript are covered in our user guide.


Even though the standard for JavaScript modules has existed since 2015, many old and new libraries still produce files that are incompatible with such modern and idiomatic standards.

This isn't so much a technical problem, as a human problem as folks learn to use the new standard and migrate old code away from previous and now obsolete standards.

While such legacy code exists, be aware that JavaScript code may require special care.

Possible deadlock

Users may encounter an error message similar to the following:


💀🔒 - Possible deadlock if is awaited


This error happens when your code on a worker and in the main thread are in a deadlock. Put simply, neither fragment of code can proceed without waiting for the other.


Let's assume a worker script contains the following Python code:

worker: a deadlock example
from pyscript import sync

sync.worker_task = lambda: print('🔥 this is fine 🔥')

# deadlock 💀🔒

On the main thread, let's instead assume this code:

main: a deadlock example
<script type="mpy">
from pyscript import PyWorker

def async main_task():
    # deadlock 💀🔒
    await pw.sync.worker_task()

pw = PyWorker("./", {"type": "pyodide"})
pw.sync.main_task = main_task

When the worker bootstraps and calls sync.main_task() on the main thread, it blocks until the result of this call is returned. Hence it cannot respond to anything at all. However, in the code on the main thread, the sync.worker_task() in the worker is called, but the worker is blocked! Now the code on both the main thread and worker are mutually blocked and waiting on each other. We are in a classic deadlock situation.

The moral of the story? Don't create such circular deadlocks!


The mutually blocking calls cause the deadlock, so simply don't block.

For example, on the main thread, let's instead assume this code:

main: avoiding deadlocks
<script type="mpy">
from pyscript import window, PyWorker

async def main_task():
    # do not await the worker,
    # just schedule it for later (as resolved)

pw = PyWorker("./", {"type": "pyodide"})
pw.sync.main_task = main_task

By scheduling the call to the worker (rather than awaiting it), it's possible for the main thread to call functions defined in the worker in a non-blocking manner, thus allowing the worker to also work in an unblocked manner and react to such calls. We have resolved the mutual deadlock.

Helpful hints

This section contains common hacks or hints to make using PyScript easier.


We have an absolutely lovely PyScript contributor called Jeff Glass who maintains an exceptional blog full of PyScript recipes with even more use cases, hints, tips and solutions. Jeff also has a wonderful YouTube channel full of very engaging PyScript related content.

If you cannot find what you are looking for here, please check Jeff's blog as it's likely he's probably covered something close to the situation in which you find yourself.

Of course, if ever you meet Jeff in person, please buy him a beer and remember to say a big "thank you". 🍻

PyScript latest

PyScript follows the CalVer convention for version numbering.

Put simply, it means each version is numbered according to when, in the calendar, it was released. For instance, version 2024.4.2 was the second release in the month of April in the year 2024 (not the release on the 2nd of April but the second release in April).

It used to be possible to reference PyScript via a version called latest, which would guarantee you always got the latest release.

However, at the end of 2023, we decided to stop supporting latest as a way to reference PyScript. We did this for two broad reasons:

  1. In the autumn of 2023, we release a completely updated version of PyScript with some breaking changes. Folks who wrote for the old version, yet still referenced latest, found their applications broke. We want to avoid this at all costs.
  2. Our release cadence is more regular, with around two or three releases a month. Having transitioned to the new version of PyScript, we aim to avoid breaking changes. However, we are refining and adding features as we adapt to our users' invaluable feedback.

Therefore, pinning your app's version of PyScript to a specific release (rather than latest) ensures you get exactly the version of PyScript you used when writing your code.

However, as we continue to develop PyScript it is possible to get our latest development version of PyScript via npm and we could (should there be enough interest) deliver our work-in-progress via a CDN's "canary" or "development" channel. We do not guarantee the stability of such versions of PyScript, so never use them in production, and our documentation may not reflect the development version.

If you require the development version of PyScript, these are the URLs to use:

PyScript development. ⚠️⚠️⚠️ WARNING: HANDLE WITH CARE! ⚠️⚠️⚠️
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script type="module" src=""></script>


Do not use shorter urls or other CDNs.

PyScript needs both the correct headers to use workers and to find its own assets at runtime. Other CDN links might result into a broken experience.

Workers via JavaScript

Sometimes you want to start a Pyodide or MicroPython web worker from JavaScript.

Here's how:

Starting a PyScript worker from JavaScript.
<script type="module">
  // use sourceMap for @pyscript/core or change to a CDN
  import {
    PyWorker, // Pyodide Worker
    MPWorker  // MicroPython Worker
  } from '@pyscript/core';

  const worker = await MPWorker(
    // Python code to execute
    // optional details or config with flags
    { config: { sync_main_only: true } }
    //          ^ just as example ^

  // "heavy computation"
  await worker.sync.doStuff();

  // kill the worker when/if needed
from pyscript import sync

def do_stuff():
  print("heavy computation")

# Note: this reference is awaited in the JavaScript code.
sync.doStuff = do_stuff


When using Python to instantiate a class defined in JavaScript, one needs to use the class's new() method, rather than just using Class() (as in Python).


The reason is technical, related to JavaScript's history and its relatively poor introspection capabilities:

  • In JavaScript, typeof function () {} and typeof class {} produce the same outcome: function. This makes it very hard to disambiguate the intent of the caller as both are valid, JavaScript used to use function (rather than class) to instantiate objects, and the class you're using may not use the modern, class based, idiom.
  • In the FFI, the JavaScript proxy has traps to intercept the use of the apply and construct methods used during instantiation. However, because of the previous point, it's not possible to be sure that apply is meant to construct an instance or call a function.
  • Unlike Python, just invoking a Class() in JavaScript (without the new operator) throws an error.
  • Using new Class() is invalid syntax in Python. So there is still a need to somehow disambiguate the intent to call a function or instantiate a class.
  • Making use of the capitalized-name-for-classes convention is brittle because when JavaScript code is minified the class name can sometimes change.
  • This leaves our convention of to explicitly signal the intent to instantiate a JavaScript class. While not ideal it is clear and unambiguous.

PyScript events

PyScript uses hooks during the lifecycle of the application to facilitate the creation of plugins.

Beside hooks, PyScript also dispatches events at specific moments in the lifecycle of the app, so users can react to changes in state:


Both the mpy:ready and py:ready events are dispatched for every PyScript related element found on the page. This includes <script type="py">, <py-script> or any MicroPython/mpy counterpart.

The m/py:ready events dispatch immediately before the code is executed, but after the interpreter is bootstrapped.

A py:ready example.
    addEventListener("py:ready", () => {
        // show running for an instance
        const status = document.getElementById("status");
        status.textContent = 'running';
<!-- show bootstrapping right away -->
<div id="status">bootstrapping</div>
<script type="py" worker>
    from pyscript import document

    # show done after running
    status = document.getElementById("status")
    status.textContent = "done"

A classic use case for this event is to recreate the "starting up" spinner that used to be displayed when PyScript bootstrapped. Just show the spinner first, then close it once py:ready is triggered!


If using Pyodide on the main thread, the UI will block until Pyodide has finished bootstrapping. The "starting up" spinner won't work unless Pyodide is started on a worker instead.


The mpy:done and py:done events dispatch after the either the synchronous or asynchronous code has finished execution.

A py:done example.
    addEventListener("py:ready", () => {
        // show running for an instance
        const status = document.getElementById("status");
        status.textContent = 'running';
    addEventListener("py:done", () => {
        // show done after logging "Hello 👋"
        const status = document.getElementById("status");
        status.textContent = 'done';

<!-- show bootstrapping right away -->
<div id="status">bootstrapping</div>
<script type="py" worker>
    print("Hello 👋")


If async code contains an infinite loop or some orchestration that keeps it running forever, then these events may never trigger because the code never really finishes.


The py:all-done event dispatches when all code is finished executing.

This event is special because it depends upon all the MicroPython and Pyodide scripts found on the page, no matter the interpreter.

In this example, MicroPython waves before Pyodide before the "everything is done" message is written to the browser's console.

A py:all-done example.
    addEventListener("py:all-done", () => {
        console.log("everything is done");
<script type="mpy" worker>
    print("MicroPython 👋")
<script type="py" worker>
    print("Pyodide 👋")


The py:progress or mpy:progress event triggers on the main thread during interpreter bootstrap (no matter if your code is running on main or in a worker).

The received event.detail is a string that indicates operations between Loading {what} and Loaded {what}. So, the first event would be, for example, Loading Pyodide and the last one per each bootstrap would be Loaded Pyodide.

In between all operations are event.details, such as:

  • Loading files and Loaded files, when [files] is found in the optional config
  • Loading fetch and Loaded fetch, when [fetch] is found in the optional config
  • Loading JS modules and Loaded JS modules, when [js_modules.main] or [js_modules.worker] is found in the optional config
  • finally, all optional packages handled via micropip or mip will also trigger various Loading ... and Loaded ... events so that users can see what is going on while PyScript is bootstrapping

An example of this listener applied to a dialog can be found in here.

Packaging pointers

Applications need third party packages and PyScript can be configured to automatically install packages for you. Yet packaging can be a complicated beast, so here are some hints for a painless packaging experience with PyScript.

There are essentially five ways in which a third party package can become available in PyScript.

  1. The module is already part of either the Pyodide or MicroPython distribution. For instance, Pyodide includes numpy, pandas, scipy, matplotlib and scikit-learn as pre-built packages you need only activate via the packages setting in PyScript. There are plans for MicroPython to offer different builds for PyScript, some to include MicroPython's version of numpy or the API for sqlite.
  2. Host a standard Python package somewhere (such as or in a GitHub repository) so it can be fetched as a package via a URL at runtime.
  3. Reference hosted Python source files, to be included on the file system, via the files setting.
  4. Create a folder containing the package's files and sub folders, and create a hosted .zip or .tgz/.tar.gz/.whl archive to be decompressed into the file system (again, via the files setting).
  5. Provide your own .whl package and reference it via a URL in the packages = [...] list.

Host a package

Just put the package you need somewhere it can be served (like and reference the URL in the packages setting. So long as the server at which you are hosting the package allows CORS (fetching files from other domains) everything should just work.

It is even possible to install such packages at runtime, as this example using MicroPython's mip tool demonstrates (the equivalent can be achieved with Pyodide via micropip).

MicroPython mip example.
# Install default version from micropython-lib

# Install from raw URL

# Install from GitHub shortcut

Provide your own file

One can use the files setting to copy packages onto the Python path:

A file copied into the Python path.
"./modules/" = "./"
<script type="mpy">
  import bisect

Code archive (zip/tgz/whl)

Compress all the code you want into an archive (using either either zip or tgz/tar.gz). Host the resulting archive and use the files setting to decompress it onto the Python interpreter's file system.

Consider the following file structure:


Host it somewhere, and decompress it into the home directory of the Python interpreter:

A code archive.
"./" = "./*"

<script type="mpy">
  from my_module import util
  from my_module.sub import sub_util

Please note, the target folder must end with a star (*), and will contain everything in the archive. For example, "./*" refers to the home folder for the interpreter.

File System

Python expects a file system. In PyScript each interpreter provides its own in-memory virtual file system. This is not the same as the filesystem on the user's device, but is simply a block of memory in the browser.


The file system is not persistent nor shareable (yet).

Every time a user loads or stores files, it is done in ephemeral memory associated with the current browser session. Beyond the life of the session, nothing is shared, nothing is stored, nothing persists!


The easiest way to add content to the virtual file system is by using native Python file operations:

Writing to a text file.
with open("./test.txt", "w") as dest:
    dest.write("hello vFS")

# Read and print the written content.
with open("./test.txt", "r") as f:
    content =

Combined with our pyscript.fetch utility, it's also possible to store more complex data from the web.

Writing a binary file.
# Assume async execution.
from pyscript import fetch, window

href = window.location.href

with open("./page.html", "wb") as dest:
    dest.write(await fetch(href).bytearray())

# Read and print the current HTML page.
with open("./page.html", "r") as source:


It's possible to upload a file onto the virtual file system from the browser (<input type="file">), and using the DOM API.

The following fragment is just one way to achieve this. It's very simple and builds on the file system examples already seen.

Upload files onto the virtual file system via the browser.
<!-- Creates a file upload element on the web page. -->
<input type="file">

<!-- Python code to handle file uploads via the HTML input element. -->
<script type="mpy">
    from pyscript import document, fetch, window

    async def on_change(event):
        # For each file the user has selected to upload...
        for file in input.files:
            # create a temporary URL,
            tmp = window.URL.createObjectURL(file)
            # fetch and save its content somewhere,
            with open(f"./{}", "wb") as dest:
                dest.write(await fetch(tmp).bytearray())
            # then revoke the tmp URL.

    # Grab a reference to the file upload input element and add
    # the on_change handler (defined above) to process the files.
    input = document.querySelector("input[type=file]")
    input.onchange = on_change


It is also possible to create a temporary link through which you can download files present on the interpreter's virtual file system.

Download file from the virtual file system.
from pyscript import document, ffi, window
import os

def download_file(path, mime_type):
    name = os.path.basename(path)
    with open(path, "rb") as source:
        data =

        # Populate the buffer.
        buffer =
        for pos, b in enumerate(data):
            buffer[pos] = b
        details = ffi.to_js({"type": mime_type})

        # This is JS specific
        file =[buffer], name, details)
        tmp = window.URL.createObjectURL(file)
        dest = document.createElement("a")
        dest.setAttribute("download", name)
        dest.setAttribute("href", tmp)

        # here a timeout to window.URL.revokeObjectURL(tmp)
        # should keep the memory clear for the session


The create_proxy function is described in great detail on the FFI page, but it's also useful to explain when create_proxy is needed and the subtle differences between Pyodide and MicroPython.


To call a Python function from JavaScript, the native Python function needs to be wrapped in a JavaScript object that JavaScript can use. This JavaScript object converts and normalises arguments passed into the function before handing off to the native Python function. It also reverses this process with any results from the Python function, and so converts and normalises values before returning the result to JavaScript.

The JavaScript primitive used for this purpose is the Proxy. It enables "traps", such as apply, so the extra work required to call the Python function can happen.

Once the apply(target, self, args) trap is invoked:

  • JavaScript must find the correct Python interpreter to evaluate the code.
  • In JavaScript, the self argument for apply is probably ignored for most common cases.
  • All the args must be resolved and converted into their Python primitive representations or associated Python objects.

Ultimately, the targets referenced in the apply must exist in the Python context so they are ready when the JavaScript apply method calls into the Python context.

Here's the important caveat: locally scoped Python functions, or functions created at run time cannot be retained forever.

A basic Python to JavaScript callback.
import js

  lambda e: print(e.type)

In this example, the anonymous lambda function has no reference in the Python context. It's just delegated to the JavaScript runtime via addEventListener, and then Python immediately garbage collects it. However, as previously mentioned, such a Python object must exist for when the custom:event is dispatched.

Furthermore, there is no way to define how long the lambda should be kept alive in the Python environment, nor any way to discover if the custom:event callback will ever dispatch (so the lambda is forever pending). PyScript, the browser and the Python interpreters can only work within a finite amount of memory, so memory management and the "aliveness" of objects is important.

Therefore, create_proxy is provided to delegate responsibility for the lifecycle of an object to the author of the code. In other words, wrapping the lambda in a call to create_proxy would ensure the Python interpreter retains a reference to the anonymous function for future use.


This probably feels strange! An implementation detail of how the Python and JavaScript worlds interact with each other is bleeding into your code via create_proxy. Surely, if we always just need to create a proxy, a more elegant solution would be to do this automatically?

As you'll see, this is a complicated situation with inevitable tradeoffs, but ultimately, through the experimental_create_proxy = "auto" flag, you probably never need to use create_proxy. This section of our docs gives you the context you need to make an informed decision.

However, this isn't the end of the story.

When a Python callback is attached to a specific JavaScript instance (rather than passed as argument into an event listener), it is easy for the Python interpreter to know when the function could be freed from the memory.

A sticky lambda.
from pyscript import document

# logs "click" if nothing else stopped propagation
document.onclick = lambda e: print(e.type)

"Wait, wat? This doesn't make sense at all!?!?", is a valid question/response to this situation.

In this case there's no need to use create_proxy because the JavaScript reference to which the function is attached isn't going away and the interpreter can use the FinalizationRegistry to destroy the lambda (or decrease its reference count) when the underlying JavaScript reference to which it is attached is itself destroyed.

In Pyodide

The create_proxy utility was created (among others) to smooth out and circumvent the afore mentioned memory issues when using Python callables with JavaScript event handlers.

Using it requires special care. The coder must invoke the destroy() method when the Python callback is no longer needed. It means coders must track the callback's lifecycle. But this is not always possible:

  • If the callback is passed into opaque third party libraries, the reference is "lost in a limbo" where who-knows-when the reference should be freed.
  • If the callback is passed to listeners, timers or promises it's hard to predict when the callback is no longer needed.

Luckily the Promise use case is automatically handled by Pyodide, but we're still left with the other cases:

Different Pyodide create_proxy contexts.
from pyscript import ffi, window

# The create_proxy is needed when a Python
# function isn't attached to an object reference
# (but is, rather, an argument passed into
# the JavaScript context).

# This is needed so a proxy is created for
# future use, even if `print` won't ever need
# to be freed from the Python runtime.

# This is needed because the lambda is
# immediately garbage collected.
    lambda x: print(x)

def print_type(event):

# This is needed even if `print_type`
# is not a scoped / local function.
  # despite this intent, the proxy
  # will be trapped forever if not destroyed
  ffi.to_js({"once": True})

# This does NOT need create_function as it is
# attached to an object reference, hence observed to free.
window.Object().no_create_function = lambda: print("ok")

To simplify this complicated situation PyScript has an experimental_create_proxy = "auto" flag. When set, PyScript intercepts JavaScript callback invocations, such as those in the example code above, and automatically proxies and destroys any references that are garbage collected in the JavaScript environment.

When this flag is set to auto in your configuration, you should never need to use create_proxy with Pyodide.


When it comes code running on a web worker, due to the way browser work, no Proxy can survive a round trip to the main thread and back.

In this scenario PyScript works differently and references callbacks via a unique id, rather than by their identity on the worker. When running on a web worker, PyScript automatically frees proxy object references, so you never need to use create_proxy when running code on a web worker.

In MicroPython

The proxy situation is definitely simpler in MicroPython. It just creates proxies automatically (so there is no need for a manual create_proxy step).

This is because MicroPython doesn't (yet) have a destroy() method for proxies, rendering the use case of create_proxy redundant.

Accordingly, the use of create_proxy in MicroPython is only needed for code portability purposes between Pyodide and MicroPython. When using create_proxy in MicroPython, it's just a pass-through function and doesn't actually do anything.

All the examples that require create_proxy in Pyodide, don't need it in MicroPython:

Different MicroPython create_proxy contexts.
from pyscript import window

# This just works.
window.setTimeout(print, 100, "print")

# This also just works.
window.setTimeout(lambda x: print(x), 100, "lambda")

def print_type(event):

# This just works too.
  ffi.to_js({"once": True})

# And so does this.
window.Object().no_create_function = lambda: print("ok")


Use of the pyodide.ffi.to_js function is described in the ffi page. But it's also useful to cover the when and why to_js is needed, if at all.


Despite their apparent similarity, Python dictionaries and JavaScript object literals are very different primitives:

A Python dictionary.
ref = {"some": "thing"}

# Keys don't need quoting, but only when initialising a dict...
ref = dict(some="thing")
A JavaScript object literal.
const ref = {"some": "thing"};

// Keys don't need quoting, so this is as equally valid...
const ref = {some: "thing"};

In both worlds, accessing ref["some"] would produce the same result: the string "thing".

However, in JavaScript ref.some (i.e. a dotted reference to the key) would also work to return the string "thing" (this is not the case in Python), while in Python ref.get("some") achieves the same result (and this is not the case in JavaScript).

Perhaps because of this, Pyodide chose to convert Python dictionaries to JavaScript Map objects that share a .get method with Python.

Unfortunately, in idiomatic JavaScript and for the vast majority of APIs, an object literal (rather than a Map) is used to represent key/value pairs. Feedback from our users indicates the dissonance of using a Map rather than the expected object literal to represent a Python dict is the source of a huge amount of frustration. Sadly, the APIs for Map and object literals are sufficiently different that one cannot be a drop in replacement for another.

Pyodide have provided a way to override the default Map based behaviour, but this results some rather esoteric code:

Convert a dict to an object literal in Pyodide.
import js
from pyodide.ffi import to_js

        {"async": False},
        # Transform the default Map into an object literal.


Thanks to a recent change in Pyodide, such Map instances are duck-typed to behave like object literals. Conversion may not be needed anymore, and to_js may just work without the need of the dict_converter. Please check.

MicroPython's version of to_js takes the opposite approach (for many of the reasons stated above) and converts Python dictionaries to object literals instead of Map objects.

As a result, the PyScript pyscript.ffi.to_js ALWAYS returns a JavaScript object literal by default when converting a Python dictionary no matter if you're using Pyodide or MicroPython as your interpreter. Furthermore, when using MicroPython, because things are closer to idiomatic JavaScript behaviour, you may not even need to use to_js unless you want to ensure cross-interpreter compatibility.



When using pyscript.to_js, the result is detached from the original Python dictionary.

Any change to the JavaScript object will not be reflected in the original Python object. For the vast majority of use cases, this is a desirable trade-off. But it's important to note this detachment.

If you're simply passing data around, pyscript.ffi.to_js will fulfil your requirements in a simple and idiomatic manner.