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PyGame Support


Support for PyGame-CE is experimental and its behaviour is likely to change as we get feedback and bug reports from the community.

Please bear this in mind as you try PyGame-CE with PyScript, and all feedback, bug reports and constructive critique is welcome via discord or GitHub.

PyGameCE is a Python library for building powerful games (so says their website). They also say, to get started you just need to pip install pygame-ce.

Thanks to work in the upstream Pyodide project PyGame-CE is available in PyScript and to get started all you need to do is: <script type="py-game" src=""></script> Now you don't even need to pip install the library! It comes with PyScript by default, and you can share your games via a URL!


Please refer to PyGame-CE's extensive documentation for how to create a game. Some things may not work because we're running in a browser context, but play around and let us know how you get on.

How it works

When a <script type="py-game"></script> element is found on the page a Pyodide instance is bootstrapped with the pygame-ce package already included. Differently from other scripts, py-game cannot currently work through a worker and it uses an optional target attribute to define the <canvas> element id that will be used to render the game. If no target attribute is defined, the script assumes there is a <canvas id="canvas"> element already on the page.

A config attribute can be specified to add extra packages but right now that's all it can do.

This is an experiment, but:

  • It is possible to use regular PyScript to load the pygame-ce package and use all the other features. But there be dragons! This helper simply allows multiple games on a page and forces game logic to run on the main thread to reduce confusion around attributes and features when the pygame-ce package is meant to be used. Put simply, we make it relatively safe and easy to use.
  • The fact pygame-ce is the default "game engine" does not mean in the future PyScript won't have other engines also available.
  • Once again, as this is an experiment, we welcome any kind of feedback, suggestions, hints on how to improve or reports of what's missing.

Other than that, please go make and share wonderful games. We can't wait to see what you come up with.