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PyScript is an open source platform for Python in the browser.

PyScript is...

  • Easy: your apps run in the browser with no complicated installation required.
  • Expressive: create apps with a powerful, popular and easy to learn language like Python.
  • Scalable: no need for expensive infrastructure ~ your code runs in your user's browser.
  • Shareable: applications are just a URL on the web. That's it!
  • Universal: your code runs anywhere a browser runs... which is everywhere!
  • Secure: PyScript runs in the world's most battle-tested computing platform, the browser!
  • Powerful: the best of the web and Python, together at last.

What's next?

I'm a beginner...
Welcome! PyScript is designed to be friendly for beginner coders. The best way to start is to read our beginning PyScript guide and then use to create your first apps. Problems? Check out our frequently asked questions.
I'm already technical...
The beginner docs will set you up with a simple coding environment. For more in-depth technical coverage of PyScript, consult the user guide. The example applications demonstrate many of the features of PyScript. The API docs and FAQ contain lots of technical detail.
I want to contribute...

Welcome, friend! PyScript is an open source project, we expect participants to act in the spirit of our code of conduct and we have many ways in which you can contribute. Our developer guide explains how to set up a working development environment for PyScript.

Just show me...
That's easy! Just take a look around - our platform for developing and hosting PyScript applications. By using using this service you help to support and sustain the development and growth of the open-source PyScript project.
I want support...

Join the conversation on our discord server, for realtime chat with core maintainers and fellow users of PyScript. Check out our YouTube channel, full of community calls and show and tells. Explore educational and commercial support provided by our open source sponsor Anaconda Inc (this helps pay for and sustain PyScript!).