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The PyScript User Guide


This guide provides technical guidance and exploration of the PyScript platform.

While we endeavour to write clearly, some of the content in this user guide will not be suitable for beginners. We assume you already have Python or web development experience. If you're a beginner start with our beginner's guide.

We welcome constructive feedback.

Our docs have three aims:

  1. A clear overview of all things PyScript.
  2. Exploration of PyScript in substantial technical detail.
  3. Demonstration of the features of PyScript working together in real-world example applications.

Read this user guide in full: it is a short but comprehensive overview of the PyScript platform.

Get involved! Join in the PyScript conversation on our discord server. There you'll find core developers, community contributors and a flourishing forum for those creating projects with PyScript. Should you wish to engage with the development of PyScript, you are welcome to contribute via the project's GitHub organisation.

Finally, the example projects referenced in our docs are all freely available and copiously commented on


Many of these examples come from contributors in our wonderful community. We love to recognise, share and celebrate the incredible work of folks in the PyScript community. If you believe you have a project that would make a good demonstration, please don't hesitate to get in touch.