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Builtin helpers

PyScript makes available convenience objects and functions inside Python. This is done via the pyscript module:

Accessing the document object via the pyscript module
from pyscript import document

Common features

These objects / functions are available in both the main thread and in code running on a web worker:


This object is a proxy for the web page's global window context.


Please note that in workers, this is still the main window, not the worker's own global context. A worker's global context is reachable instead via import js (the js object being a proxy for the worker's globalThis).


This object is a proxy for the the web page's document object. The document is a representation of the DOM and can be used to manipulate the content of the web page.


A function used to display content. The function is intelligent enough to introspect the object[s] it is passed and work out how to correctly display the object[s] in the web page.

The display function takes a list of *values as its first argument, and has two optional named arguments:

  • target=None - the DOM element into which the content should be placed.
  • append=True - a flag to indicate if the output is going to be appended to the target.

There are some caveats:

  • When used in the main thread, the display function automatically uses the current <script> tag as the target into which the content will be displayed.
  • If the <script> tag has the target attribute, the element on the page with that ID (or which matches that selector) will be used to display the content instead.
  • When used in a worker, the display function needs an explicit target="dom-id" argument to identify where the content will be displayed.
  • In both the main thread and worker, append=True is the default behaviour.


A Python decorator to indicate the decorated function should handle the specified events for selected elements.

The decorator takes two parameters:

  • The event_type should be the name of the browser event to handle as a string (e.g. "click").
  • The selector should be a string containing a valid selector to indicate the target elements in the DOM whose events of event_type are of interest.

The following example has a button with an id of my_button and a decorated function that handles click events dispatched by the button.

The HTML button
<button id="my_button">Click me!</button>
The decorated Python function to handle click events
from pyscript import when, display

@when("click", "#my_button")
def click_handler(event):
    Event handlers get an event object representing the activity that raised
    display("I've been clicked!")

Main-thread only features


A class used to instantiate a new worker from within Python.


Currently this only works with Pyodide.

The following fragment demonstrates who to start the Python code in the file on a new worker from within Python.

Starting a new worker from Python
from pyscript import PyWorker

a_worker = PyWorker("./")

Worker only features


A function used to pass serializable data from workers to the main thread.

Imagine you have this code on the main thread:

Python code on the main thread
from pyscript import PyWorker

def hello(name="world"):
    display(f"Hello, {name}")

worker = PyWorker("./")
worker.sync.hello = hello

In the code on the worker, you can pass data back to handler functions like this:

Pass data back to the main thread from a worker
from pyscript import sync
